Friday, November 9, 2012


It would appear that a whole month has past since since the last update so dad is going to try and have a go at this blog. Robbie had a wonderful Halloween starting with the Bloorview Monster March. It is a great fundraiser for the hospital and it was great to see all the kids out enjoying a really great event. Unfortunately the day was pouring rain and cold so the staff at Bloorview spent the morning setting up through out the main floor of the hospital so that the March could go ahead. Trrick or treat stations were setup and lots of toys and treats were distributed to the kids. Robbie was put in his walker and he quite enthusiastically toddled around the hallways in his monkey costume. I would say that he walked at least 80% of the way need a little push here and there. At the end each participant received a finishers medal seen in the below picture.

Robbie continues to visit Bloorview for therapy to help him overcome the effects of the stroke. His balance is ever improving and the use of the right hand and arm while still very limited shows signs of improved usage. He is our little trooper and I am truly blessed by his smile even when his dad is not saving him from his therapist. Only one months to his second birthday and lots of excitement and things for him to do in the coming weeks.

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