Monday, April 15, 2013

Munchkin is a Fork Stealer

This weekend our Munchkin again showed us how awesome he is.......  While at brunch on Sunday he grabbed my fork, stabbed the scrambled eggs on his plate with it and stuffed them into his mouth.  He's never had a fork in his hand at mealtime before, but on his first try managed to eat with it.  He's not so great with stabbing the food, but he's good at inserting it into his mouth.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Robbie and his Mom Ride Again!

Well it's that time of year again.  Ride for Heart is coming up soon and we're getting ready for it.  My team is in full swing with fundraising efforts at our office and we're aiming to make this ride the best yet.
Munchkin and I heading off on our first walk to the grocery store together

Munchkin will be coming with me again this year in a bike trailer as our Team Mascot.  He's been our office's inspiration for the past several rides.

If you are thinking of making a donation to the Heart & Stroke Foundation this year, we would love it if you could do it though sponsoring us this year.  Research and education about heart disease is so important and I've already lost too many loved friends to heart disease and I don't want to lose any more.

Monday, April 1, 2013

So I entered him in a Contest

So I entered my Munchkin in a photo contest.  I thought it could be something fun and silly do to.  Now all I need are some votes for the little guy and maybe, just maybe we might win.  After all he is pretty photogenic at times.