Sunday, March 18, 2012

Some Happy

March hasn't been a very happy post month, so I bring you....

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ride for the Heart 2012

This year I am participating in the Ride for the Heart again in June 2012.  A big part of the reason I do this event is my Munchkin since as you all know he was born with a heart defect and had a stroke on the first day he was hanging around.  I don't want other families to have to go through what we have to try and get our Munchkin well.

This year I have an even more special reason.  A very special friend who was like Robbie's 3rd Grandfather passed away yesterday from heart troubles rather suddenly.  This makes it even more important to me to go out and try to get the research done so we can beat heart disease.

If you can donate, I would really appreciate it.

Do it for these guys!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Another Goodbye

Dear Robbie,

I am so terribly sad to tell you that today a very special someone in your life died today.  Your "Grandpa" Charlie who was really as far as we were concerned your 3rd Grandpa passed away very suddenly this morning.  He loved you very much and considered you one of his grandkids.

I am so very very sad that you are going to have to grow up without him in your life.  He was one of the most kind, generous and fun people in the world. He had such plans for fun with you.

Your first Meeting.  You were a little skeptical at first, but then decided he was great

You had such a wonderful time when you were with him.  He gave you your first taste of ice cream and was looking forward to taking you with him to town with all the kids on the beach for ice cream when you were up at the cottage.  You had great little chats together.

All covered in chocolate ice cream

He had some heart surgery earlier year and was excited about comparing scars with you the next time he saw you.  I so wish he was still here so you could do that.

My heart goes out  to his wife, children and grandchildren who have lost him.  The world has lost one of the most wonderful person in it  and there is a void there now that I don't think can be filled.

He will never be forgotten and is very missed.

Love Mom

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Goodbye Cranberry

Dear Robbie,

When you're older you won't remember one of your first pets.  When you got here we had two cats, Cranberry and Tabitha.  Sadly today was the day that Cranberry had to leave us.  She was quite ill and in lots of pain.  I am so sorry you won't get to pull on her tail and chase her around the house when you are a little older.    She was a funny cat.  She was very shy but super snuggly.  After you came along she was always competing with you for time on my lap.  She wanted her lap time so badly that she would often get up on my lap while you were there and would squish herself in to get her cuddle time.  And she would let you smash her with your hands while the three of us would be snuggled up together.  She will be missed.

2003 to 2012

Love Mom