Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween (Part1)

This is Robbie's 3rd Halloween and second at the day care. This time last year Robbie had just learnt to cruise the furniture and was very unsteady on his feat. A year later he is ready for trick or treat time. This year his daycare costume is that of people that we hold very dear to us and without whom Robbie's life would not be a great as it is. So thank you to all the Surgeons and staff at Sick Kids and Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

It's Big Boy Bed Time

Today has been a big day here.  We've finally finished pre-schooler proofing our wee boy's bedroom and got a gate for the door so we decided it was time.  Starting with Munchkin's nap we took the side off of his crib.  He did really well except for being super excited he could sit on the bed directly now and he didn't particularly want to go to sleep.

And so far so good tonight.  He went to bed and we haven't heard a peep from him.  It's kind of exciting to see him grow up like this.