Monday, March 25, 2013

Food is Yummy

Well our wee Munchkin seems to be expanding his food palette and appetite. I think he will soon be eating us out of house and home.
Tonight he demonstrated this new taste for food Ina funny way. Tonight I made tortellini with Alfredo sauce that had curry paste mixed in. I had made our Munchkin some without the curry in case it wasn't to his liking. About halfway though dinner I offered him a tortellini with the curry sauce on it and
he just gobbled it up. Then he proceeded to pitch the tortellini across the room if offered one that didn't have the curry paste.
What a funny bunny.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Little Nutbar

I've realized it's been a little while since I've posted how our Munchkin is doing.  He's doing quite well and constantly surprises us with the little and big things he learns how to do.  He really is a source of awesome.

He's also a nutbar.  He has some funny little habits that I'm sure will cause him lots of embarrassment.  One of them is his sock eating habit.  Quite often when he's eating his dinner, he will do his very best to get his left shoe and sock off and proceed to shove the sock in his mouth and chew on it.  We're not sure what the appeal of the sock is, but he does seem to like it.  

Our funny little nutbar,